's Most Recently Added Movies

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's Most Recently Added Movies
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5536 The Jazz Singer 1927 Alan Crosland NR -
17930 The Loves of Carmen 1948 Charles Vidor NR -
189 Metropolis 1927 Fritz Lang NR -
1348 Wings 1927 William A. Wellman NR -
512 The Cameraman 1928 Edward Sedgwick NR -
13598 Dream of Love 1928 Fred Niblo NR -
11250 In Old Arizona 1928 Irving Cummings NR -
11614 King Cowboy 1928 Robert De Lacey NR -
13066 Land of the Silver Fox 1928 Ray Enright NR -
13535 The Power of the Press 1928 Frank Capra NR -

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