The Best Workplace Comedies of the 1970s

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The Best Workplace Comedies of the 1970s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3957 The Front Page 1974 Billy Wilder PG -
8467 Mother, Jugs & Speed 1976 Peter Yates PG -
13960 FM 1978 John A. Alonzo PG -
16641 Are You Being Served? 1977 Bob Kellett NR -
18487 Holiday on the Buses 1973 Bryan Izzard NR -
21713 Office Romance 1977 Eldar Ryazanov NR -
22968 White Collar Blues 1975 Luciano Salce NR -
25497 On the Buses 1971 Harry Booth PG -
30058 Mutiny on the Buses 1972 Harry Booth NR -
38867 Gas Pump Girls 1979 Joel Bender R -
41292 The Firm Man 1975 John Duigan NR -
46076 Record City 1978 Dennis Steinmetz PG -

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