The Best Australian New Wave Movies of the 1980s

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The Best Australian New Wave Movies of the 1980s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
17922 Malcolm 1986 Nadia Tass NR -
19722 Nightmares 1980 John D. Lamond NR -
20562 The Chain Reaction 1980 Ian Barry NR -
20574 Harlequin 1980 Simon Wincer PG -
23241 Puberty Blues 1981 Bruce Beresford R -
23412 Race for the Yankee Zephyr 1981 David Hemmings PG -
25725 Howling III: The Marsupials 1987 Philippe Mora PG13 -
26519 The Lighthorsemen 1987 Simon Wincer PG -
31673 Pacific Banana 1981 John D. Lamond R -
34833 Manganinnie 1980 John Honey NR -
43126 Freedom 1982 Scott Hicks NR -

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