The Best Movies Directed by William Asher

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The Best Movies Directed by William Asher
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
9420 Beach Blanket Bingo 1965 William Asher NR -
11340 Bikini Beach 1964 William Asher NR -
11407 Beach Party 1963 William Asher NR -
12192 Muscle Beach Party 1964 William Asher NR -
13071 Nightmare Maker 1982 William Asher R -
15375 How to Stuff a Wild Bikini 1965 William Asher NR -
18547 Johnny Cool 1963 William Asher NR -
29212 Fireball 500 1966 William Asher NR -
29567 The 27th Day 1957 William Asher NR -
34959 The Shadow on the Window 1957 William Asher NR -
51050 Movers & Shakers 1985 William Asher PG -

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