The Best Movies Directed by Reginald Barker

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The Best Movies Directed by Reginald Barker
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
8764 The Coward 1915 Reginald Barker NR -
9864 The Italian 1915 Reginald Barker NR -
14527 Seven Keys to Baldpate 1929 Reginald Barker NR -
18410 The Wrath of the Gods 1914 Reginald Barker NR -
18722 The Great Divide 1929 Reginald Barker NR -
19956 The Bargain 1914 Reginald Barker NR -
22164 Little Pal 1935 Reginald Barker NR -
26963 On the Night Stage 1915 Reginald Barker NR -

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