The Best Movies Directed by Peter Sasdy

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The Best Movies Directed by Peter Sasdy
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
4208 Taste the Blood of Dracula 1970 Peter Sasdy R -
7335 Countess Dracula 1971 Peter Sasdy PG -
7456 Hands of the Ripper 1971 Peter Sasdy NR -
12080 The Stone Tape 1972 Peter Sasdy NR -
27770 Wuthering Heights 1967 Peter Sasdy NR -
27843 Nothing But the Night 1973 Peter Sasdy PG -
37547 Rude Awakening 1980 Peter Sasdy NR -
38438 Doomwatch 1972 Peter Sasdy PG -
39676 The Thirteenth Reunion 1980 Peter Sasdy NR -
41759 Visitor from the Grave 1980 Peter Sasdy NR -
44577 The Lonely Lady 1983 Peter Sasdy R -
45980 The Devil Within Her 1975 Peter Sasdy R -
46208 Welcome to Blood City 1977 Peter Sasdy NR -
48932 Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady 1991 Peter Sasdy PG -

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