The Best Movies Directed by Monte Hellman

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The Best Movies Directed by Monte Hellman
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1958 Two-Lane Blacktop 1971 Monte Hellman R -
3657 The Shooting 1966 Monte Hellman G -
7957 Cockfighter 1974 Monte Hellman R -
8030 Ride in the Whirlwind 1966 Monte Hellman PG -
16916 Back Door to Hell 1964 Monte Hellman NR -
26784 Beast from Haunted Cave 1959 Monte Hellman PG -
27404 Flight to Fury 1964 Monte Hellman NR -
43353 Road to Nowhere 2010 Monte Hellman R -
44476 Iguana 1988 Monte Hellman NR -
48057 Silent Night, Deadly Night III: Better Watch Out! 1989 Monte Hellman R -

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