The Best Movies Directed by Matt Cimber

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The Best Movies Directed by Matt Cimber
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
12472 The Witch Who Came from the Sea 1976 Matt Cimber R -
18240 The Candy Tangerine Man 1975 Matt Cimber R -
20252 The Black Six 1973 Matt Cimber R -
21166 Lady Cocoa 1975 Matt Cimber R -
29240 Hundra 1983 Matt Cimber NR -
36136 Butterfly 1982 Matt Cimber R -
37960 Single Room Furnished 1968 Matt Cimber NR -
45768 Yellow Hair and the Fortress of Gold 1984 Matt Cimber R -
47939 Fake-Out 1982 Matt Cimber R -

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