The Best Movies Directed by Mark Joffe

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The Best Movies Directed by Mark Joffe
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
8908 The Matchmaker 1997 Mark Joffe R -
17816 The Efficiency Expert 1992 Mark Joffe PG -
37625 Cosi 1997 Mark Joffe R -
52347 Shadow of the Cobra 1989 Mark Joffe NR -
52429 Grievous Bodily Harm 1988 Mark Joffe R -
52839 Nightmaster 1987 Mark Joffe R -
62437 The Man Who Sued God 2001 Mark Joffe NR -
83647 Working Class Boy 2018 Mark Joffe NR -
87803 Lindy Chamberlain: The True Story 2020 Mark Joffe NR -

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