The Best Movies Directed by Kathryn Bigelow

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The Best Movies Directed by Kathryn Bigelow
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
680 Near Dark 1987 Kathryn Bigelow R -
793 The Hurt Locker 2008 Kathryn Bigelow R -
1066 Zero Dark Thirty 2012 Kathryn Bigelow R -
1139 Point Break 1991 Kathryn Bigelow R -
1906 Strange Days 1995 Kathryn Bigelow R -
4040 Detroit 2017 Kathryn Bigelow R -
6055 K-19: The Widowmaker 2002 Kathryn Bigelow PG13 -
6737 Blue Steel 1990 Kathryn Bigelow R -
35216 The Weight of Water 2000 Kathryn Bigelow R -
61460 Mission Zero 2007 Kathryn Bigelow NR -

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