The Best Movies Directed by Joseph Zito

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The Best Movies Directed by Joseph Zito
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2753 Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter 1984 Joseph Zito R -
3911 The Prowler 1981 Joseph Zito R -
7237 Missing in Action 1984 Joseph Zito R -
9715 Invasion U.S.A. 1985 Joseph Zito R -
11777 Red Scorpion 1988 Joseph Zito R -
36216 Abduction 1975 Joseph Zito R -
44024 Bloodrage 1979 Joseph Zito NR -
62207 Delta Force One: The Lost Patrol 2000 Joseph Zito R -
63762 Power Play 2003 Joseph Zito R -

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