The Best Movies Directed by Irving Reis

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The Best Movies Directed by Irving Reis
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3257 The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer 1947 Irving Reis NR -
14063 The Big Street 1942 Irving Reis NR -
14708 Crack-Up 1946 Irving Reis NR -
16233 The Gay Falcon 1941 Irving Reis NR -
16393 All My Sons 1948 Irving Reis NR -
18156 The Falcon Takes Over 1942 Irving Reis NR -
19237 Enchantment 1948 Irving Reis NR -
21157 A Date with the Falcon 1942 Irving Reis NR -
31659 The Four Poster 1952 Irving Reis NR -
33252 New Mexico 1951 Irving Reis NR -
35881 Three Husbands 1950 Irving Reis NR -

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