The Best Movies Directed by Hal Walker

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The Best Movies Directed by Hal Walker
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
6173 Road to Utopia 1946 Hal Walker NR -
6306 Road to Bali 1952 Hal Walker NR -
15689 Sailor Beware 1952 Hal Walker NR -
15739 My Friend Irma Goes West 1950 Hal Walker NR -
16281 At War with the Army 1950 Hal Walker NR -
17789 That's My Boy 1951 Hal Walker NR -
25465 The Stork Club 1945 Hal Walker NR -
28381 Out of This World 1945 Hal Walker NR -
34723 Duffy's Tavern 1945 Hal Walker NR -

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