The Best Movies Directed by Hal Roach

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The Best Movies Directed by Hal Roach
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
7343 An Eastern Westerner 1920 Hal Roach NR -
8688 Billy Blazes, Esq. 1919 Hal Roach NR -
8861 High and Dizzy 1920 Hal Roach NR -
9351 Young Mr. Jazz 1919 Hal Roach NR -
9756 Get Out and Get Under 1920 Hal Roach NR -
9906 I Do 1921 Hal Roach NR -
10355 His Royal Slyness 1920 Hal Roach NR -
12009 A Sammy in Siberia 1919 Hal Roach NR -
16010 On the Loose 1931 Hal Roach NR -
17315 Captain Kidd's Kids 1919 Hal Roach NR -
19860 The Chef 1919 Hal Roach NR -
20605 Just Rambling Along 1918 Hal Roach NR -
20756 Spring Fever 1919 Hal Roach NR -
20996 The Housekeeper's Daughter 1939 Hal Roach NR -
23203 Captain Fury 1939 Hal Roach NR -
25925 Luke Joins the Navy 1916 Hal Roach NR -
27066 Luke's Movie Muddle 1916 Hal Roach NR -
28169 The Pajama Party 1931 Hal Roach NR -
29518 Road Show 1941 Hal Roach NR -
31273 Men of the North 1930 Hal Roach NR -

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