The Best Movies Directed by Ferdinand Zecca

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The Best Movies Directed by Ferdinand Zecca
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
8525 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves 1902 Ferdinand Zecca NR -
8527 The Policemen’s Little Run 1907 Ferdinand Zecca NR -
9498 Slippery Jim 1910 Ferdinand Zecca NR -
19295 Fun After the Wedding 1906 Ferdinand Zecca NR -
21443 What Is Seen Through a Keyhole 1901 Ferdinand Zecca NR -
24108 Dream and Reality 1901 Ferdinand Zecca NR -
25128 Conquering the Skies 1901 Ferdinand Zecca NR -
25981 History of a Crime 1901 Ferdinand Zecca NR -
28341 The Pearl Fisher 1907 Ferdinand Zecca NR -
29041 Alcohol and Its Victims 1902 Ferdinand Zecca NR -

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