The Best Movies Directed by Earl Bellamy

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The Best Movies Directed by Earl Bellamy
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
14652 Munster, Go Home! 1966 Earl Bellamy NR -
15564 Walking Tall, Part 2 1975 Earl Bellamy PG -
19255 Seven Alone 1974 Earl Bellamy NR -
27864 Blackjack Ketchum, Desperado 1956 Earl Bellamy NR -
33855 Sidecar Racers 1975 Earl Bellamy PG -
34828 The Toughest Gun in Tombstone 1958 Earl Bellamy NR -
35174 Flood! 1976 Earl Bellamy NR -
38276 Gunpoint 1966 Earl Bellamy NR -
38439 The Desperate Mission 1969 Earl Bellamy NR -
39637 Speedtrap 1977 Earl Bellamy NR -
39804 Fire! 1977 Earl Bellamy NR -
44541 The Castaways on Gilligan's Island 1979 Earl Bellamy NR -
45643 Against a Crooked Sky 1975 Earl Bellamy G -

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