The Best Movies Directed by Alvin Rakoff

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The Best Movies Directed by Alvin Rakoff
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
19343 City on Fire 1979 Alvin Rakoff R -
23979 Crossplot 1969 Alvin Rakoff PG -
24387 Room 43 1958 Alvin Rakoff NR -
27125 Romeo & Juliet 1978 Alvin Rakoff NR -
30255 Death Ship 1980 Alvin Rakoff R -
32219 Hoffman 1970 Alvin Rakoff NR -
33779 Dirty Tricks 1981 Alvin Rakoff PG -
33966 King Solomon's Treasure 1979 Alvin Rakoff NR -
40720 The World in My Pocket 1961 Alvin Rakoff NR -
42268 Say Hello to Yesterday 1971 Alvin Rakoff NR -

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