The Best Movies Directed by Allan Moyle

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The Best Movies Directed by Allan Moyle
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1682 Pump up the Volume 1990 Allan Moyle R -
2097 Empire Records 1995 Allan Moyle PG13 -
15438 Times Square 1980 Allan Moyle R -
22488 Weirdsville 2007 Allan Moyle NR -
29044 New Waterford Girl 1999 Allan Moyle NR -
31149 The Gun in Betty Lou's Handbag 1992 Allan Moyle PG13 -
42451 The Rubber Gun 1978 Allan Moyle NR -
51674 Xchange 2000 Allan Moyle R -
54452 Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story 2004 Allan Moyle PG13 -
61713 Jailbait 2000 Allan Moyle R -

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