The Top 10 Movies Directed by Alfred Hitchcock

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The Top 10 Movies Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
15 Rear Window 1954 Alfred Hitchcock PG -
38 North by Northwest 1959 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
52 Psycho 1960 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
62 Vertigo 1958 Alfred Hitchcock PG -
85 Notorious 1946 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
93 Strangers on a Train 1951 Alfred Hitchcock PG -
116 Shadow of a Doubt 1943 Alfred Hitchcock PG -
139 Rope 1948 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
162 Rebecca 1940 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
204 Dial M for Murder 1954 Alfred Hitchcock NR -

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