The Top 100 Movies of the 1900s

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The Top 100 Movies of the 1900s
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1706 A Trip to the Moon 1902 Georges Méliès NR -
4527 An Impossible Voyage 1904 Georges Méliès NR -
5075 The Great Train Robbery 1903 Edwin S. Porter NR -
5585 Fairyland: A Kingdom of Fairies 1903 Georges Méliès NR -
5679 The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ 1903 Lucien Nonguet, Ferdinand Zecca NR -
5835 The 400 Tricks of the Devil 1906 Georges Méliès NR -
5938 The Eclipse: Courtship of the Sun and Moon 1907 Georges Méliès NR -
6149 The Fat and the Lean Wrestling Match 1901 Georges Méliès NR -
6236 The Eruption of Mt. Pelee 1902 Georges Méliès NR -
6289 The Electric Hotel 1908 Segundo de Chomón NR -
6382 The ‘?’ Motorist 1906 Walter R. Booth NR -
6537 Bluebeard 1901 Georges Méliès NR -
6667 The Haunted House 1906 Segundo de Chomón NR -
6673 The India Rubber Head 1901 Georges Méliès NR -
6709 Tunneling the Channel 1907 Georges Méliès NR -
6713 The Black Imp 1905 Georges Méliès NR -
6813 The Thieving Hand 1908 J. Stuart Blackton NR -
6816 The Devilish Tenant 1909 Georges Méliès NR -
6848 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1907 Georges Méliès NR -
6917 Custody of the Child 1909 Louis Feuillade NR -
6927 The Mermaid 1904 Georges Méliès NR -
6958 The Red Spectre 1907 Segundo de Chomón, Ferdinand Zecca NR -
6977 The Infernal Caldron 1903 Georges Méliès NR -
7025 The Night Before Christmas 1905 Edwin S. Porter NR -
7106 The One-Man Band 1900 Georges Méliès NR -
7118 The Frog 1908 Segundo de Chomón NR -
7131 Gulliver's Travels 1902 Georges Méliès NR -
7144 The Story of the Kelly Gang 1906 Charles Tait NR -
7225 The Sealed Room 1909 D.W. Griffith NR -
7246 The Living Playing Cards 1905 Georges Méliès NR -
7308 Lully ou Le violon brisé 1908 Georges Méliès NR -
7358 The Mysterious Retort 1906 Georges Méliès NR -
7467 Rescued by Rover 1905 Lewin Fitzhamon, Cecil M. Hepworth NR -
7519 The Delights of Automobiling 1900 Cecil M. Hepworth NR -
7534 Jeanne d'Arc 1900 Georges Méliès NR -
7551 The Palace of Arabian Knights 1905 Georges Méliès NR -
7556 The Christmas Angel 1905 Georges Méliès NR -
7565 French Interpreter Policeman 1908 Georges Méliès NR -
7584 Edgar Allan Poe 1909 D.W. Griffith NR -
7599 A Tricky Painter's Fate 1908 Georges Méliès NR -
7607 The Oracle of Delphi 1903 Georges Méliès NR -
7641 The Enchanted Drawing 1900 J. Stuart Blackton NR -
7643 A Fantasy 1908 Émile Cohl NR -
7668 In the Barber Shop 1908 Georges Méliès NR -
7689 The Witch 1906 Georges Méliès NR -
7699 A Corner in Wheat 1909 D.W. Griffith NR -
7702 The Golden Beetle 1907 Segundo de Chomón NR -
7708 Long Distance Wireless Photography 1908 Georges Méliès NR -
7757 His First Cigar 1908 Louis J. Gasnier NR -
7775 The Wonderful Living Fan 1904 Georges Méliès NR -
7783 Princess Nicotine; or, The Smoke Fairy 1909 J. Stuart Blackton NR -
7792 The Imperceptible Transmutations 1904 Georges Méliès NR -
7816 The 'Teddy' Bears 1907 Wallace McCutcheon, Edwin S. Porter NR -
7856 Grandma’s Reading Glass 1900 George Albert Smith NR -
7912 The Cook in Trouble 1904 Georges Méliès NR -
7916 The Infernal Cakewalk 1903 Georges Méliès NR -
7951 Sightseeing Through Whisky 1907 Georges Méliès NR -
7954 The Country Doctor 1909 D.W. Griffith NR -
8033 Good Glue Sticks 1907 Georges Méliès NR -
8062 Sherlock Holmes Baffled 1900 Arthur Marvin NR -
8083 The Colonel's Account 1907 Louis Feuillade NR -
8106 The Adventures of Dollie 1908 D.W. Griffith NR -
8208 Knight of Black Art 1908 Georges Méliès NR -
8290 Dream of a Rarebit Fiend 1906 Edwin S. Porter NR -
8303 The Music Lover 1903 Georges Méliès NR -
8305 The Sick Kitten 1903 George Albert Smith NR -
8306 His First Job 1908 Georges Méliès NR -
8322 The Christmas Dream 1901 Georges Méliès NR -
8335 The Enchanted Sedan Chair 1905 Georges Méliès NR -
8337 The Lonely Villa 1909 D.W. Griffith NR -
8359 Alice in Wonderland 1903 Cecil M. Hepworth, Percy Stow NR -
8401 New York Subway 1905 G.W. Bitzer NR -
8409 The Enchanted Well 1903 Georges Méliès NR -
8455 Humorous Phases of Funny Faces 1906 J. Stuart Blackton NR -
8482 Mr. Hurry-Up 1907 Unknown NR -
8510 The Red Man’s View 1909 D.W. Griffith NR -
8525 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves 1902 Ferdinand Zecca NR -
8527 The Policemen’s Little Run 1907 Ferdinand Zecca NR -
8567 The Miser 1908 Georges Méliès NR -
8579 The Good Luck of a 'Souse' 1908 Georges Méliès NR -
8595 L'acteur en retard 1908 Georges Méliès NR -
8701 Tchin-Chao, the Chinese Conjuror 1904 Georges Méliès NR -
8720 The Devil and the Statue 1901 Georges Méliès NR -
8739 Robinson Crusoe 1902 Georges Méliès NR -
8742 Magic Bricks 1908 Segundo de Chomón NR -
8822 That Fatal Sneeze 1907 Lewin Fitzhamon NR -
8843 The Prophetess of Thebes 1907 Georges Méliès NR -
8890 The Genii of Fire 1908 Georges Méliès NR -
8909 The Hilarious Posters 1906 Georges Méliès NR -
8951 Ulysses and the Giant Polyphemus 1905 Georges Méliès NR -
8974 Ben Hur 1907 Sidney Olcott, Frank Oakes Rose NR -
8979 In the Bogie Man's Cave 1907 Georges Méliès NR -
9032 Delirium in a Studio 1907 Georges Méliès NR -
9054 Jack and the Beanstalk 1902 George S. Fleming, Edwin S. Porter NR -
9079 Life of an American Fireman 1903 Edwin S. Porter NR -
9120 Spring 1909 Louis Feuillade NR -
9127 The Gay Shoe Clerk 1903 Edwin S. Porter NR -
9142 The Woes of Roller Skates 1908 Georges Méliès NR -
9181 The Untamable Whiskers 1904 Georges Méliès NR -
9247 Japanese Butterflies 1908 Segundo de Chomón NR -

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