The Top 10 Movies Starring Ruth Warrick

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Ruth Warrick
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
6024 Journey Into Fear 1943 Norman Foster NR -
11092 Daisy Kenyon 1947 Otto Preminger NR -
17142 The Corsican Brothers 1941 Gregory Ratoff NR -
20999 Arch of Triumph 1948 Lewis Milestone NR -
24794 Mr. Winkle Goes to War 1944 Alfred E. Green NR -
24795 China Sky 1945 Ray Enright NR -
25138 Driftwood 1947 Allan Dwan NR -
25378 Guest in the House 1944 John Brahm NR -
26707 Secret Command 1944 A. Edward Sutherland NR -
28504 The Great Dan Patch 1949 Joseph M. Newman NR -

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