The Top 10 Movies Starring Richard Norton

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Richard Norton
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
6044 Mr. Nice Guy 1997 Sammo Hung PG13 -
7857 City Hunter 1993 Jing Wong PG13 -
32089 China O'Brien 1990 Robert Clouse R -
37453 Equalizer 2000 1986 Cirio H. Santiago R -
39444 Force: Five 1981 Robert Clouse NR -
44149 Eyes of the Dragon 1987 Leo Fong NR -
45819 Rage and Honor 1992 Terence H. Winkless R -
47381 Rage and Honor II 1993 Guy Norris R -
47584 China O'Brien II 1990 Robert Clouse R -
47744 Cybertracker 1994 Richard Pepin R -

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