The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Richard Jordan

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The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Richard Jordan
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
927 The Friends of Eddie Coyle 1973 Peter Yates R -
1548 Logan's Run 1976 Michael Anderson PG -
2239 Interiors 1978 Woody Allen PG -
3703 Rooster Cogburn 1975 Stuart Millar PG -
3959 The Yakuza 1974 Sydney Pollack R -
12758 Valdez is Coming 1971 Edwin Sherin PG13 -
14721 Les Miserables 1978 Glenn Jordan NR -
37677 Old Boyfriends 1979 Joan Tewkesbury R -
42998 Alibis 1977 Pierre Rissient NR -

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