The Best Movies Starring Rachel Roberts

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The Best Movies Starring Rachel Roberts
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2291 Foul Play 1978 Colin Higgins PG -
2551 O Lucky Man! 1973 Lindsay Anderson R -
3256 This Sporting Life 1963 Lindsay Anderson NR -
17663 Simone 2002 Andrew Niccol PG13 -
30978 Baffled! 1973 Philip Leacock NR -
33930 A Flea in Her Ear 1968 Jacques Charon NR -
37361 The Belstone Fox 1973 James Hill PG -
38417 Doctors' Wives 1971 George Schaefer R -
45340 A Circle of Children 1977 Don Taylor NR -
49523 Under Milk Wood 1992 Les Orton NR -

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