The Best Movies Starring Peter Jackson

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The Best Movies Starring Peter Jackson
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3222 Bad Taste 1987 Peter Jackson NR -
6896 Forgotten Silver 1995 Peter Jackson NR -
35857 Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan 2011 Gilles Penso NR -
43904 Good Taste Made Bad Taste 1988 Tony Hiles NR -
48345 The Long and Short of It 2003 Sean Astin NR -
50775 The Sci-Fi Boys 2006 Paul Davids PG -
61743 Ringers: Lord of the Fans 2005 Carlene Cordova PG13 -
82949 Long Live the King 2016 Frank Dietz, Trish Geiger NR -

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