The Best Movies of the 1980s Starring Michael Murphy

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The Best Movies of the 1980s Starring Michael Murphy
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1848 Salvador 1986 Oliver Stone R -
1908 The Year of Living Dangerously 1982 Peter Weir PG -
5130 Cloak & Dagger 1984 Richard Franklin PG -
6116 Shocker 1989 Wes Craven R -
11482 Strange Behavior 1981 Michael Laughlin R -
14817 Tanner '88 1988 Robert Altman NR -
25708 The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial 1988 Robert Altman PG -
29016 Countdown to Looking Glass 1984 Fred Barzyk NR -
52155 Mesmerized 1986 Michael Laughlin PG -

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