The Best Movies of the 1960s Starring Michael Craig

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The Best Movies of the 1960s Starring Michael Craig
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5175 Mysterious Island 1961 Cy Endfield NR -
13757 The Angry Silence 1960 Guy Green NR -
14963 Star! 1968 Robert Wise G -
18052 Modesty Blaise 1966 Joseph Losey NR -
19440 Sandra 1965 Luchino Visconti NR -
22874 Life at the Top 1965 Ted Kotcheff NR -
25285 Trouble in the Sky 1960 Charles Frend NR -
29774 The Stolen Hours 1963 Daniel Petrie NR -
30306 Payroll 1961 Sidney Hayers NR -
32516 A Pair of Briefs 1962 Ralph Thomas NR -
33168 Doctor in Love 1960 Ralph Thomas NR -
33268 No My Darling Daughter 1961 Ralph Thomas NR -

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