The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Michael Craig

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The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Michael Craig
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5069 The Vault of Horror 1973 Roy Ward Baker R -
16401 Inn of the Damned 1975 Terry Bourke NR -
25410 The Fourth Victim 1971 Eugenio Martín NR -
26621 A Town Called Hell 1971 Robert Parrish R -
29593 Lola 1970 Richard Donner PG -
35113 Ride a Wild Pony 1975 Don Chaffey G -
40975 Brotherly Love 1970 J. Lee Thompson R -
44446 The Irishman 1978 Donald Crombie NR -
48654 The Fourth Wish 1976 Don Chaffey NR -

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