The Top 10 Movies Starring Luke Askew

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Luke Askew
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
862 Easy Rider 1969 Dennis Hopper R -
10843 Posse 1975 Kirk Douglas PG -
13959 The Warrior and the Sorceress 1984 John C. Broderick R -
15342 The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid 1972 Philip Kaufman PG -
15516 The Culpepper Cattle Co. 1972 Dick Richards PG -
15564 Walking Tall, Part 2 1975 Earl Bellamy PG -
17559 Angel Unchained 1970 Lee Madden NR -
23049 Traveller 1997 Jack N. Green R -
24937 Night of the Serpent 1969 Giulio Petroni NR -
28454 Wanda Nevada 1979 Peter Fonda PG -

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