The Worst Movies Starring Lino Ventura

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The Worst Movies Starring Lino Ventura
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
13041 The Medusa Touch 1978 Jack Gold PG -
15665 The Valachi Papers 1972 Terence Young PG -
19584 The Last Adventure 1967 Roberto Enrico NR -
10330 The Big Risk 1960 Claude Sautet NR -
7852 The Sicilian Clan 1969 Henri Verneuil NR -
12965 Les tontons flingueurs 1963 Georges Lautner NR -
14658 Greed in the Sun 1964 Henri Verneuil NR -
3096 Second Breath 1966 Jean-Pierre Melville NR -
13867 A Pain in the A... 1973 Edouard Molinaro PG -
12374 Under Suspicion 1981 Claude Miller NR -

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