The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Jude Law

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The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Jude Law
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
941 Gattaca 1997 Andrew Niccol PG13 -
1997 The Talented Mr. Ripley 1999 Anthony Minghella R -
2500 eXistenZ 1999 David Cronenberg R -
4188 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 1997 Clint Eastwood R -
6486 Wilde 1998 Brian Gilbert R -
15113 Music From Another Room 1998 Charlie Peters PG13 -
37267 Shopping 1994 Paul W.S. Anderson R -
38215 The Wisdom of Crocodiles 1998 Po-Chih Leong R -
43935 Final Cut 1998 Dominic Anciano, Ray Burdis R -
53852 Presence of Mind 1999 Antoni Aloy NR -
61791 I Love You, I Love You Not 1997 Billy Hopkins PG13 -

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