The Best Movies Starring Josh Mostel

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The Best Movies Starring Josh Mostel
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1755 Matewan 1987 John Sayles PG13 -
2208 Billy Madison 1995 Tamra Davis PG13 -
7644 The Chase 1994 Adam Rifkin R -
12313 Compromising Positions 1985 Frank Perry R -
45287 Heavy Petting 1989 Obie Benz R -
48177 Windy City 1984 Armyan Bernstein R -
54010 The Maddening 1995 Danny Huston R -
57991 Stoogemania 1986 Chuck Workman PG -
59955 Thicker Than Blood 1998 Richard Pearce NR -
89023 Superstars: The Extended Version 2021 Frank Munoz NR -

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