The Best Movies Starring John Stockwell

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The Best Movies Starring John Stockwell
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2016 Christine 1983 John Carpenter R -
6162 My Science Project 1985 Jonathan R. Betuel PG -
13656 Losin' It 1983 Curtis Hanson R -
22398 Quarterback Princess 1983 Noel Black NR -
34159 Radioactive Dreams 1986 Albert Pyun R -
35411 Dangerously Close 1986 Albert Pyun R -
46932 Born To Ride 1991 Graham Baker PG -
48083 Billionaire Boys Club 1987 Marvin J. Chomsky NR -
59824 City Limits 1985 Aaron Lipstadt PG13 -

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