The Best Movies Starring John Novak

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The Best Movies Starring John Novak
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
8730 Adieu, Galaxy Express 999 1981 Rintaro NR -
48678 Eternal Evil 1985 George Mihalka R -
53698 Wishmaster 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled 2002 Chris Angel R -
55240 Downdraft 1996 Michael Mazo R -
58246 G.I. Joe: Ninja Battles 2004 Arthur Nichols NR -
60338 Wishmaster 3: Beyond The Gates Of Hell 2001 Chris Angel R -
64942 Vendetta: No Conscience, No Mercy 2004 Daniel McCarthy R -
67582 The Secrets of Comfort House 2006 Timothy Bond NR -
80213 Stranger in the House 2016 Allan Harmon NR -

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