The Top 10 Movies Starring Jack Scalia

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Jack Scalia
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5677 Red Eye 2005 Wes Craven PG13 -
13061 Fear City 1984 Abel Ferrara R -
42185 After the Shock 1990 Gary Sherman NR -
42466 The Rift 1990 Juan Piquer Simón R -
45379 Club Med 1986 Bob Giraldi NR -
50592 The Silencers 1996 Richard Pepin R -
51326 Dark Breed 1996 Richard Pepin PG13 -
56457 Chained Heat 3: Hell Mountain 1998 Mike Rohl R -
56657 Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep 2006 Tibor Takács R -
57504 T-Force 1994 Richard Pepin R -

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