The Best Movies of the 2000s Starring Gary Oldman

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The Best Movies of the 2000s Starring Gary Oldman
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
11 The Dark Knight 2008 Christopher Nolan PG13 -
95 Batman Begins 2005 Christopher Nolan PG13 -
508 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 Alfonso Cuarón PG -
2611 The Contender 2000 Rod Lurie R -
3267 Hannibal 2001 Ridley Scott R -
7997 Interstate 60 2002 Bob Gale R -
9281 A Christmas Carol 2009 Robert Zemeckis PG -
19272 The Hire: Beat the Devil 2002 Tony Scott NR -
30823 The Unborn 2009 David S. Goyer PG13 -
52037 BackWoods 2006 Koldo Serra NR -
56469 Nobody's Baby 2001 David Seltzer R -
56804 Dead Fish 2005 Charley Stadler R -
62829 Rain Fall 2009 Max Mannix R -
65027 Sin 2003 Michael Stevens R -
71077 Tiptoes 2003 Matthew Bright R -

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