The Best Movies of the 2000s Starring Franka Potente

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The Best Movies of the 2000s Starring Franka Potente
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
240 The Bourne Identity 2002 Doug Liman PG13 -
469 The Bourne Supremacy 2004 Paul Greengrass PG13 -
2947 Che: Part One 2008 Steven Soderbergh R -
4850 The Princess & the Warrior 2001 Tom Tykwer R -
9156 Creep 2004 Christopher Smith R -
11299 Anatomy 2000 Stefan Ruzowitzky R -
37981 The Elementary Particles 2006 Oskar Roehler NR -
41843 I Love Your Work 2003 Adam Goldberg R -
43152 Romulus, My Father 2007 Richard Roxburgh R -
49188 All I Want 2002 Jeffrey Porter R -
57503 Anatomy 2 2003 Stefan Ruzowitzky R -
61655 Blueprint 2003 Rolf Schübel NR -
62422 The Bridge 2008 Wolfgang Panzer NR -
62641 Eichmann 2007 Robert Young R -

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