The Best Movies of the 2000s Starring Emmanuelle Béart

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The Best Movies of the 2000s Starring Emmanuelle Béart
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
4967 8 Women 2002 François Ozon R -
45017 The Story of Marie and Julien 2003 Jacques Rivette NR -
45178 Strayed 2003 André Téchiné NR -
48204 Nathalie... 2003 Anne Fontaine NR -
48697 La répétition 2001 Catherine Corsini NR -
52271 Les Destinées 2000 Olivier Assayas NR -
53586 Hell 2005 Danis Tanovic NR -
54547 Vinyan 2008 Fabrice Du Welz R -
55882 The Witnesses 2007 André Téchiné NR -
60785 The 4 Musketeers 2005 Pierre Aknine R -
68222 My Stars 2008 Laetitia Colombani NR -
68524 A Crime 2006 Manuel Pradal R -
69785 Disco 2008 Fabien Onteniente NR -

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