The Best Movies Starring Elaine Stewart

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The Best Movies Starring Elaine Stewart
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3776 Brigadoon 1954 Vincente Minnelli NR -
10530 Night Passage 1957 James Neilson NR -
19865 The Tattered Dress 1957 Jack Arnold NR -
25455 Take the High Ground! 1953 Richard Brooks NR -
27616 Code Two 1953 Fred M. Wilcox NR -
30011 A Slight Case of Larceny 1953 Don Weis NR -
30436 Sky Full of Moon 1952 Norman Foster NR -
30741 Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond 1960 Budd Boetticher NR -
32647 The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond 1960 Budd Boetticher NR -
35098 The Adventures of Hajji Baba 1954 Don Weis NR -
38854 Escort West 1959 Francis D. Lyon NR -
40841 Most Dangerous Man Alive 1961 Allan Dwan NR -

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