The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Cliff Robertson

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The Best Movies of the 1970s Starring Cliff Robertson
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
553 Three Days of the Condor 1975 Sydney Pollack R -
2858 Obsession 1976 Brian De Palma PG -
8307 Too Late the Hero 1970 Robert Aldrich PG -
15342 The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid 1972 Philip Kaufman PG -
26242 Ace Eli and Roger of the Skies 1973 John Erman NR -
31819 The Men Who Made the Movies: Alfred Hitchcock 1973 Richard Schickel NR -
35984 Dominique 1978 Michael Anderson PG -
37262 J.W. Coop 1972 Cliff Robertson PG -
37851 Shoot 1976 Harvey Hart R -
39035 The Man Without a Country 1973 Delbert Mann NR -
40536 Man on a Swing 1974 Frank Perry PG -

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