The Best Movies Starring Claude Piéplu

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The Best Movies Starring Claude Piéplu
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
25701 Diabolically Yours 1967 Julien Duvivier NR -
31088 The Best Way to Walk 1976 Claude Miller NR -
33974 Wedding in Blood 1973 Claude Chabrol PG -
36195 The Devil by the Tail 1969 Philippe de Broca NR -
38537 I'm Losing My Temper 1974 Claude Zidi PG -
41823 This Sweet Sickness 1977 Claude Miller NR -
41956 Cool, Calm and Collected 1976 Bertrand Blier NR -
43140 Clérambard 1969 Yves Robert NR -
43279 The Pawn 1978 Christian Gion NR -
48475 These Kids Are Grown-Ups 1979 Joël Santoni NR -

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