The Best Movies of the 2000s Starring Claire Danes

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The Best Movies of the 2000s Starring Claire Danes
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
2138 Stardust 2007 Matthew Vaughn PG13 -
3526 Igby Goes Down 2002 Burr Steers R -
4445 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 2003 Jonathan Mostow R -
5084 Shopgirl 2005 Anand Tucker R -
6904 Me and Orson Welles 2009 Richard Linklater PG13 -
9926 Stage Beauty 2004 Richard Eyre R -
18283 The Rage In Placid Lake 2003 Tony McNamara NR -
24280 It's All About Love 2003 Thomas Vinterberg R -
31132 Evening 2007 Lajos Koltai NR -
44378 The Flock 2007 Wai-keung Lau R -

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