The Best Movies Starring Chiara Caselli

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The Best Movies Starring Chiara Caselli
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1730 My Own Private Idaho 1991 Gus Van Sant R -
5543 Ripley's Game 2002 Liliana Cavani R -
10932 Sleepless 2001 Dario Argento R -
32019 Beyond the Clouds 1995 Michelangelo Antonioni, Wim Wenders NR -
41618 The Father of My Children 2009 Mia Hansen-Løve NR -
45699 Fiorile 1994 Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani PG13 -
53738 Traces of an Amorous Life 1990 Peter Del Monte NR -
69886 Birdwatchers 2008 Marco Bechis NR -

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