The Best Movies Starring Chiao Chiao

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The Best Movies Starring Chiao Chiao
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
3979 The One-Armed Swordsman 1967 Cheh Chang NR -
10361 Return of the One Armed Swordsman 1969 Cheh Chang NR -
28771 The Assassin 1967 Cheh Chang NR -
33286 The Twelve Gold Medallions 1970 Kang Cheng NR -
34511 The Trail of the Broken Blade 1967 Cheh Chang NR -
37429 Rage of the Master 1971 Hung-Chang Wang NR -
38064 Heads For Sale 1970 Chang-hwa Jeong NR -
39851 Vengeance of a Snowgirl 1971 Kuang Ni, Wei Lo NR -

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