The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Cheech Marin

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The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Cheech Marin
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
1315 Desperado 1995 Robert Rodriguez R -
3403 Tin Cup 1996 Ron Shelton R -
15930 Paulie 1998 John Roberts PG -
21405 The Shrimp on the Barbie 1990 Michael Gottlieb PG13 -
48015 Ring of the Musketeers 1992 John Paragon PG13 -
53880 The Cisco Kid 1994 Luis Valdez PG -
54807 The Magic of the Golden Bear: Goldy III 1994 John Quinn G -
54953 It's Tough to be a Bug 1998 Chris Bailey G -
62734 The Nuttiest Nutcracker 1999 Harold Harris G -

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