The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Catherine Deneuve

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The Best Movies of the 1990s Starring Catherine Deneuve
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
7880 Indochine 1992 Régis Wargnier PG13 -
16571 Pola X 1999 Leos Carax R -
25641 Time Regained 1999 Raoul Ruiz NR -
38535 Thieves 1996 André Téchiné R -
40460 The World of Jacques Demy 1995 Agnès Varda NR -
41741 Genealogies of a Crime 1997 Raoul Ruiz NR -
42805 The Young Girls Turn 25 1993 Agnès Varda NR -
46041 Place Vendôme 1998 Nicole Garcia R -
46359 My Favorite Season 1993 André Téchiné NR -
50588 Night Wind 1999 Philippe Garrel NR -
51876 The Convent 1995 Manoel de Oliveira PG -
58754 Belle maman 1999 Gabriel Aghion NR -

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