The Best Movies Starring Caroline Cellier

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The Best Movies Starring Caroline Cellier
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
13652 This Man Must Die 1969 Claude Chabrol NR -
13867 A Pain in the A... 1973 Edouard Molinaro PG -
34979 Didier 1997 Alain Chabat NR -
37956 Year of the Jellyfish 1984 Christopher Frank NR -
38917 The Most Gentle Confessions 1971 Édouard Molinaro NR -
39431 Life Love Death 1969 Claude Lelouch NR -
41755 A Thousand Billion Dollars 1982 Henri Verneuil NR -
44851 Femmes de personne 1984 Christopher Frank NR -
46205 Certaines nouvelles 1980 Jacques Davila NR -
51997 Grand Guignol 1987 Jean Marboeuf NR -
69051 Fragile(s) 2007 Martin Valente NR -
70624 Thelma, Louise et Chantal 2010 Benoît Pétré NR -

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