The Worst Movies Starring Carole Lombard

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The Worst Movies Starring Carole Lombard
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
4489 Mr. & Mrs. Smith 1941 Alfred Hitchcock NR -
16871 Man of the World 1931 Richard Wallace NR -
8978 Hands Across the Table 1935 Mitchell Leisen NR -
8296 Made for Each Other 1939 John Cromwell NR -
14307 Virtue 1932 Edward Buzzell NR -
8206 In Name Only 1939 John Cromwell NR -
12908 No Man of Her Own 1932 Wesley Ruggles NR -
3846 Nothing Sacred 1937 William A. Wellman NR -
3078 Twentieth Century 1934 Howard Hawks G -

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