The Top 10 Movies Starring Andy Dick

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The Top 10 Movies Starring Andy Dick
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
5280 Road Trip 2000 Todd Phillips R -
12572 Employee of the Month 2006 Greg Coolidge PG13 -
12773 Loser 2000 Amy Heckerling PG13 -
18638 In the Army Now 1994 Daniel Petrie Jr. PG -
29952 The Hebrew Hammer 2003 Jonathan Kesselman R -
35429 Picking Up the Pieces 2000 Alfonso Arau R -
43394 Who's the Caboose? 1997 Sam Sedar NR -
44647 Best Men 1997 Tamra Davis R -
47704 Bongwater 1998 Richard Sears R -
52955 Special Delivery 2000 Mark Jean NR -

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