The Top 10 Worst Movies Starring Aldo Ray

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The Top 10 Worst Movies Starring Aldo Ray
Movie Title Release
Director MPAA
38559 Kill a Dragon 1967 Michael D. Moore PG13 -
33739 Don't Go Near the Park 1979 Lawrence D. Foldes R -
5998 The Green Berets 1968 Ray Kellogg, John Wayne G -
48215 Shock 'Em Dead 1990 Mark Freed R -
37030 Evils of the Night 1985 Mardi Rustam R -
17699 Miss Sadie Thompson 1953 Curtis Bernhardt NR -
3010 We're No Angels 1955 Michael Curtiz NR -
41720 The Executioner, Part II 1984 James Bryan R -
7726 Men In War 1957 Anthony Mann NR -
4275 Pat and Mike 1952 George Cukor NR -

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